No. Two Project Managers.
Ref. SUD/EX/002052.
South Sudan is an International NGO working in South Sudan. CARE and
its partners work with vulnerable communities to address the underlying
causes of poverty and promote peace and development, through its
strategic goal to reduce poverty by empowering women, enhancing access
to resources and services, and improving governance.
CARE South
Sudan is looking for a suitable candidate to fill the position 2 Project
Managers, one to be based in Panyagor Jongeli State, and the other to
be based in Malakal, Upper Nile State State.
Job Summary.
CARE South Sudan is a
subsidiary of CARE International, a leading humanitarian and development
agency fighting global poverty around the world. CARE’s operations in
South Sudan dates back to the early 1980s, focusing on emergency and
disaster relief to the conflict affected populations in the South.
Currently, CARE South
Sudan works in three States, Unity, Jonglei and Upper Nile States,
implementing programmes in two broad areas namely governance and
recovery and sustainable livelihoods (Food security, health and WASH)
focusing on women and youth, and addressing both humanitarian and
development needs.
The Peace Under
Construction Project is a multi country project funded by the government
of Netherlands, implemented in Burundi and South Sudan.
The project focuses on
good governance, civil society engagement and economic development
activities, mainly around Village Savings Schemes
CARE seeks a Project
Manager who will lead the successful implementation of the South Sudan
Peace Under Construction Project under the guidance of the Program
He/She will be
responsible for the day to day planning and management of project
implementation, budget control, monitoring and evaluation, project staff
recruitment and supervision, donor compliance and coordination with the
relevant partners in the field, and will work closely with the
respective local authorities and communities in the targeted Counties.
The Project Manager will
be expected to provide context specific and technical advice during
implementation and evaluating the relevance and appropriateness of the
project activities, proposing adjustments for cost effectiveness and
sustainable impact.
He/She will also monitor
ongoing contextual analysis of the local social, economic and political
factors affecting peace and livelihoods and ensuring learning from the
project is shared.
This will inform the wider livelihood programming in the area of operation.
Scope of Work:
- Overall management and coordination of the project strategy and component activities.
- Provide technical oversight to project activities.
- Support the development and implementation of simple but effective monitoring systems including environmental impact monitoring.
- Produce monthly progress reports and donor reports for the attention of the PC and ACD-P and CARE South Sudan.
- Ensure that the
project is implemented under the guidance of the project proposal and
the needs and capacity of the participating communities in the target
- Ensure that the
project staff effectively monitor activities and prepare reports in a
timely manner to track the progress of the interventions.
- Together will local
ministry representatives, participate in field visits to the different
targeted communities to observe and monitor the effectiveness of the
programs implemented. Interact with community elders, local authorities
and give special attention to women and the children.
- Provide advice and planning assistance on personnel requirements for local staff recruitment and staff training needs.
- Identify training
needs for staff and coordinate with the Program Coordinator and the
ACD-P to address staff development. Such training needs may include
participatory rural appraisal, facilitation techniques, monitoring and
evaluation, etc.
- Prepare Terms of
Reference for consultancies specific to the project as required and
provide input and feedback for other collaborating Care South Sudan
- Prepare Job
Descriptions (JDs) for project team and discuss with respective staff to
make them understand their roles and responsibilities. Review job
descriptions on a periodic basis.
- Interact with project
staff on a regular basis to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
Provide constructive feedback and suggestions to the direct reports on a
periodic basis including written and oral feedback for positive
achievements of project staff.
- Prepare quality
mid-term and annual appraisals for project staff in time. Ensure that
performance evaluations for the project staff are conducted with high
degree of discussion among the supervisors and subordinates to bring out
positive aspects as well as weaknesses and plans to address the
weaknesses. Also participate in the Multi-rater feedback system.
- Conduct leave
approvals for all the project staff ensuring that these are planned well
in advance and do not impact on project implementation.
- Identify opportunities for building the managerial capacity of direct reports to assume roles of increased responsibility.
- Provide technical and
budgetary information as requested by the country office to assist with
the writing of new funding proposals and donor reports.
- Prepare project budgets in donor format and revise budget if deemed essential.
- Together with the Finance staff prepare mapping of the donor budget and required level of sub-analysis codes where necessary.
- Support Care South Sudan, Juba office by preparing cash projections on a quarterly basis to help in disbursement of funds.
- Review monthly and
quarterly expense reports prepared by Care South Sudan and CO finance
office and provide feedback and comments where necessary.
- In collaboration with
the Program Coordinator and Juba Finance staff prepare project budget
and assign charging details. Closely monitor the project budget Review
project budget and initiate actions for purchase of goods and equipment
with adequate information and specification for budgeted items. Ensure
that proper accounting instructions are provided in the purchase request
forms (PRF). Follow up with Juba office procurement unit where
- Review project needs
for goods and equipment and authorize purchase or procurement of goods
and equipment which are deemed essential.
- Establish effective,
efficient and regular communication with field offices, Juba office and
Nairobi via the internet, phone, sat phones etc.
- Ensure that project records are maintained in orderly manner and FFE reports are up-to-date.
- In liaison with the
Program Coordinator represent the project to local stakeholders and
ensure that these are fully appraised of project activities including
staffing, choice of project areas as well as expected project outcomes.
- Liaise with technical
counterparts in government and humanitarian organizations and
participate in donor liaison as required by the PC or ACD-P.
- Represent the project
in relation to the local authorities and administration, agencies
operating in the area and other parts of South Sudan.
- Attend general and program meetings organized by CARE South Sudan.
- Work as part of a dedicated CARE team and take responsibility for tasks outside specific job description when required.
- Support the management of the sub-office and guest house facilities.
- Participate in
workshops, trainings and meetings organized by CARE and other agencies
and contribute effectively to the success of the events.
- In consultation with the PC prepare a personal competency development plan.
Qualifications and Competencies
- Bachelor’s Degree in good governance, peace building and economic development, community driven development or related fields
- Previous experience
in a project management role, with demonstrated ability in project
financial management, monitoring and evaluation, reporting, and staff
management, in a humanitarian and/or development context.
- Solid experience of
community mobilization approaches and coordination with governments /
local authorities for effective and sustainable achievement of the
project objective.
- Experience in development projects and working knowledge of community engagement and social auditing
- Specific experience in the management of livelihood approaches, including savings and loans schemes for rural communities.
- Strong organizational
and communication skills, specifically in presentations, facilitation,
negotiations and written communication skills in English.
- Excellent inter-personal skills, with demonstrated professional experience working effectively within a multicultural team
- Excellent writing skills and conceptual understanding
- Ability to work
independently and meet deadlines, while also effectively coordinating
project activities with other CARE projects being implemented in the
same operational area and in other locations.
- Ability to work in a stressed environment with minimal supervision,
- Advanced computer skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Commitment to the CARE principles, mission and vision
How to Apply: The position will be based in both in Malakal Upper Nile State, and Panyagor, Jongeli state. This position is ONLY open to South Sudan Nationals.
Closing date for receiving application will be 12 November 2012
Applications and CVs should be sent by Email to:
CARE South Sudan
Tongping Area, Off US Residential Road
Juba, South Sudan
is an Equal Opportunity Employer, promoting gender, equity and
diversity and women candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.