7 Ways To Be Memorable In a Job Interview

Courtesy of Dorcas Karuana,
As a recruiter I tend to see very many candidates. So how can you make yourself an unforgettable candidate? You have to make the conscious effort and make sure that you craft yourself a personal brand that you can take into the interview. Let’s see how you can make yourself memorable, in a good way. Remember your basic questions and when you do remember to tie in to your answers enthusiasm that says you want the job.
1. First impressions
When you are making the first impression remember that recruiters recall and judge the people that do not look them in the eye. Dress appropriately is not about wearing an expensive suit but rather choosing the correct attire for the day. For ladies a pair of heels always looks nice and kindly wear clothes that fit you well, keeping in mind the dress code of the organization you are going into. Smile! This can help you begin to get over the nervousness till we get confident to do the interview. If you are still nervous then at this point just fake it. Yes fake your confidence, soon you will find after a moment things will flow smoothly.

2. Facts tell stories sell
The human brain starts working the moment you are born and does not stop until you stand up to speak, well in this case sit in front of an interviewer. It is very important to rehearse and practice. Stories are a great way to keep things interesting.

3. Brand
Playing it safe, a great thing to be, but really does not leave a lasting impression. Being your magical/mystical is an interesting thing because it allows for many things to happen. Showing parts of your personality that demonstrate you enjoy that area of work, you can grow and are willing to change is great.

4. Project yourself well
Speaking loud enough to be heard and slowing down your speech make a big difference; this is why news casters read the news in a slow, low, clear manner.

5. A liar must have a good memory
Be careful if you try to bluff the interviewer it shows you lack integrity.

6. It’s your will not your skill
Your attitude will determine your altitude. Talking about babies, recipes and the latest things happening in people’s lives takes a little focus off the task at hand and what needs to get done. Women more than men are more prone to do this, it is important to remember that work needs to remain simple and focusing on work will provide more future benefits.

7. Keep it positive, keep it going
Having a positive, can do attitude, can make it easier for people to work with you as you will be able to face problems and find a way to get things done. It is always a good feeling to work with someone like that.
There you have it the things you need to know to be able yourself positive and be more memorable for the right reasons in your interview.

Dorcas is a Human Resource Officer, Corporate Staffing Services Ltd. 

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